Monday, May 22, 2017

Trading as Profession -- My perspective

The life of the trader is so fascinating ... this profession of trading doesn't have any prescribed "so called syllabus" but still there are many "students" trying to hang onto it..expecting to excel with merit on this this process, the syllabus is "self discovered" on the journey, which makes it to be "learning on the go"...

Now this "self-discovered" syllabus often has its own style, which need not match with other(s) "self discovered" syllabus, but still the journey can go "along" with or without "others". So can any other profession has such kind of "open system", i fear there is none.

Here there is only "illusionary" Rules, which is set by the "student" itself on the Go. There is no "authority" apart from the market itself to validate the rules. Will be continued..

23/05/2021-- Restarting my Blog

Hello All,  Happy to announce that I will be restarting my blog from today. I will be sharing all the option trades i would be taking in Nif...